Medium: Alt. Controller Video Game, Unity 2D, Arduino, arUco Unity Library, Ableton
Venue: TBD
Date: 2019
KEY CHANGE is a alternative controller, competitive two-player typing game, where the keys dance away from you.
The configuration of the controller system is as such: 1) on the game screen, the screen is split between players as words on each side fall down and must be completed before leaving the screen, 2) the players must type with untethered, oversized keyboard keys that are spread along a table, 2) the table is equipped with speakers the vibrate the keys in various patterns depending on the sound frequencies, 3) and lastly, the players input are taken based on computer vision that is below the table, scanning for arUco markers under each key.
The main objective is to type more words than your opponent in a chaotic, embodied, typing environment.