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Untethered Haptic Inputs for 3D Physical Interfaces

Role: Digital and Physical Fabricator, Conductor of Studies, Transcriber, and Tertiary Writer

Advising Faculty: Ellen Yi-Luen Do PhD

Medium: Computer Vision-based Tangible Interface, Python, Javascript, 3D Print, Illustrator, ArUco Library

Date: 2019


Collaborators: Clement Zheng (Lead), P. Gyory


Mechamarkers is a toolkit and computer-vision based system for designers to help make and sense low-cost physical actuator for 3D interfaces. The kit includes bespoke, modular actuators, which are simply made up of desktop 3D printed components, magnets, and arUco marker stickers. These actuators can be joined in various configurations, as well as a computer vision interface to help with prototyping various 3D interfaces.


I helped ACME lab members build inputs and 3D interfaces, construct the computer vision system physically as well as the calculating the homography, conduct and transcribe user studies, and write on research findings as third author to submit for publication.

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