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portrait of a cosmic kiddo

Version 1

Role: Main Designer and Electronics and Enclosure Fabricator

Advising Faculty: Joel Swanson and Justin Gitlin 

Medium: Kinetic Sculpture, Arduino, Processing (Java)

Venue: ATLAS Expo 2019 at the ATLAS Institute, CU Boulder

Date: 2019

Additional Collaborators:

Cody Candler, P. Gyory


Inspired by an old design proposal from undergrad and created in my grad design studio team, Cosmic Kiddos is a kinetic mirror where physical stars move, as if autonomously, in accordance to the users’ proximity to the sculpture.  The embodied approach of using wooden stars as the visual interface comes from materiality as an important component to how the user engages with the interface as well as for driving the underlying narratives of the piece. Cosmic Kiddos is meant to playfully depict the notion that though we are engulfed in the digital age, we are all still children of the Cosmos and kin of Mother Nature. 

Promotional Video

© 2020 by Farjana Ria Khan. Created with

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